Fee calculator

Calculate the fees and taxes that customers need to pay

Enter Transaction Amount


*Minimum Rp10.000

Virtual Account

Simple payment with no need to manually input transaction amount via unique virtual account number.

*Bank fee is set according to the agreement between merchants and banks.

Transaction fee (Rp2.500):

Rp 2.500

PPN (11%):

Rp 275

Amount received:

Rp 7.225

Bank Cards

Make local and international payments secure and efficient, integrated with Visa, Mastercard, AMEX and JCB card types.

Transaction fee (2.9%):

Rp 290

PPN (11%):

Rp 32

Amount received:

Rp 9.678


Integrated with leading e-wallets in Indonesia for a faster payments without cash.

Merchants that offer non-digital products

Transaction fee (1.5%):

Rp 150

PPN (11%):

Rp 17

Amount received:

Rp 9.833

Merchants that offer non-digital products

Transaction fee (2%):

Rp 200

PPN (11%):

Rp 22

Amount received:

Rp 9.778


Accept payments through QR code that can be scanned via e-wallets and banks. Use QRIS Cross-border to reach international customers!





Transaction fee (0.7%)*:

Rp 70

*Including PPN

Amount received:

Rp 9.930

Guaranteed security protection

All transactions are encrypted and meet industry-approved security standards, protecting both your business and customers.

Secured transaction

Secured transaction

Protected with high level security system, making all your payments more secured.

PCI-DSS Standardized

PCI-DSS Standardized

Protect payment information with payment card industry security standards.

Frequently asked

What is Gapura?

How much is the service charge?

How can I start accepting payments with Gapura?

What types of businesses are suitable for using Gapura?